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Connoisseur's Choice in Luxury Living


Digital Media Ad Sales 

We are looking for Digital Media Ad Sales Entrepreneurs in every major city (English speaking only, at this time) Canada, USA, Mexico, Central & South America, Europe & Eurasia, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific to join our virtual team.
(This is an independent contractor opportunity, not an offer of employment.)


Fusion Publishing Inc. has had several successful national in-house brands of niche publications since 2002 including GOOD LIFE CONNOISSEUR and REPORT ON MINING.  We are now doing digital spin-offs that are having great success called: “CONNOISSEUR’S CHOICE” (Luxury Brands),  “GOOD LIFE” (Mass Consumer Brands) and “REPORT ON” (Business Brands) . These niche Branded magazines have a client targeted focus in native editorial style and are delivered to a specific consumer demographic that the client chooses.

Everything is tracked via analytics and fed back to the client for review. We are enjoying a staggering open rate of over 22%, industry standard is less than 10%. This has media ad agencies and buyers very excited.

If you have a proven track record in Digital Media Ad Sales and are an Entrepreneur looking for a great opportunity… We want to hear from you! Please fill out the contact form below and include your phone number. Please tell us a bit about yourself as well as what geographic territory, demographic profile, and industry sectors are your areas of interest and expertise.  We will get back to you within one business day.

  • If this opportunity sounds right for someone you know, please use the “share button” above and send this to your network. Paying it forward feels good! 🙂 


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